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Differential roles for 3-OSTs in the regulation of cilia length and motility

Neugebauer JM, Cadwallader AB, Amack JD, Bisgrove BW, Yost HJ
Development. 2013 Sep;140(18):3892-902. doi: 10.1242/dev.096388. Epub 2013 Aug 14
As cells integrate molecular signals from their environment, cell surface receptors require modified proteoglycans for the robust activation of signaling pathways. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) have long unbranched chains of repetitive disaccharide units that can be sulfated at specific positions by heparan sulfate O-sulfotransferase (OST) families. Here, we show that two members of the 3-OST family are required in distinct signaling pathways to control left-right (LR) patterning through control of Kupffer's vesicle (KV) cilia length and motility. 3-OST-5 functions in the fibroblast growth factor pathway to control cilia length via the ciliogenic transcription factors FoxJ1a and Rfx2. By contrast, a second 3-OST family member, 3-OST-6, does not regulate cilia length, but regulates cilia motility via kinesin motor molecule (Kif3b) expression and cilia arm dynein assembly. Thus, two 3-OST family members cell-autonomously control LR patterning through distinct pathways that regulate KV fluid flow. We propose that individual 3-OST isozymes create distinct modified domains or 'glycocodes' on cell surface proteoglycans, which in turn regulate the response to diverse cell signaling pathways.
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