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Glucagon is required for early insulin-positive differentiation in the developing mouse pancreas

Prasadan K, Daume E, Preuett B, Spilde T, Bhatia A, Kobayashi H, Hembree M, Manna P, Gittes GK
Diabetes. 2002 Nov;51(11):3229-36
The embryonic pancreas is thought to develop from pluripotent endodermal cells that give rise to endocrine and exocrine cells. A key guidance mechanism for pancreatic development has previously been found to be epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Interactions within the epithelium, however, have not been well studied. Glucagon is the earliest peptide hormone present at appreciable levels in the developing pancreatic epithelium (embryonic day [E]-9.5 in mouse). Insulin accumulation begins slightly later (E11 in mouse), followed by a rapid accumulation during the \"second wave\" of insulin differentiation ( approximately E15). Here we found that blocking early expression and function of glucagon, but not GLP-1, an alternate gene product of preproglucagon mRNA, prevented insulin-positive differentiation in early embryonic (E11) pancreas. These results suggest a novel concept and a key role for glucagon in the paracrine induction of differentiation of other pancreatic components in the early embryonic pancreas.
Organism or Cell Type: 
Mouse embryonic tissue
Delivery Method: 
oligo bathing