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Inhibition of germ cell proliferation by the medaka male determining gene Dmrt1bY

Herpin A, Schindler D, Kraiss A, Hornung U, Winkler C, Schartl M
BMC Dev Biol. 2007 Aug 30;7(1):99 [Epub ahead of print]
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Dmrt1 is a highly conserved gene involved in the determination and early differentiation phase of the primordial gonad in vertebrates. In the fish medaka dmrt1bY, a functional duplicate of the autosomal dmrt1a gene on the Y-chromosome, has been shown to be the master regulator of male gonadal development, comparable to Sry in mammals. In males mRNA and protein expression was observed before morphological sex differentiation in the somatic cells surrounding primordial germ cells (PGCs) of the gonadal anlage and later on exclusively in Sertoli cells. This suggested a major role for dmrt1bY during male gonad and germ cell development. RESULTS: We provide functional evidence that expression of dmrt1bY leads to negative regulation of PGC proliferation. Flow cytometric measurements revealed a G2 arrest of dmrt1bY expressing cells. Interestingly, also non-transfected cells displayed a significantly lower fraction of proliferating cells, pointing to a possible non-cell autonomous action of dmrt1bY. Injection of antisense morpholinos led to an increase of PGCs in genetically male embryos due to loss of proliferation inhibition. A full or partial shift in gonad phenotype towards female was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In medaka, dmrt1bY mediates a mitotic arrest of PGCs in males prior to testes differentiation at the sex determination stage. This occurs possibly via a cross-talk of Sertoli cells and PGCs and explains how dmrt1bY could trigger the development of the male gonad.
Organism or Cell Type: 
medaka embryos
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