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Single-cell chromatin accessibility maps reveal regulatory programs driving early mouse organogenesis

Pijuan-Sala B, Wilson NK, Xia J, Hou X, Hannah RL, Kinston S, Calero-Nieto FJ, Olivier Poirion O, Preissl S, Liu F, Göttgens B
Nat Cell Biol. 2020;[Epub ahead of print] doi:10.1038/s41556-020-0489-9
During mouse embryonic development, pluripotent cells rapidly divide and diversify, yet the regulatory programs that define the cell repertoire for each organ remain ill-defined. To delineate comprehensive chromatin landscapes during early organogenesis, we mapped chromatin accessibility in 19,453 single nuclei from mouse embryos at 8.25 days post-fertilization. Identification of cell-type-specific regions of open chromatin pinpointed two TAL1-bound endothelial enhancers, which we validated using transgenic mouse assays. Integrated gene expression and transcription factor motif enrichment analyses highlighted cell-type-specific transcriptional regulators. Subsequent in vivo experiments in zebrafish revealed a role for the ETS factor FEV in endothelial identity downstream of ETV2 (Etsrp in zebrafish). Concerted in vivo validation experiments in mouse and zebrafish thus illustrate how single-cell open chromatin maps, representative of a mammalian embryo, provide access to the regulatory blueprint for mammalian organogenesis.
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