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Suppression of the immune response potentiates tadpole tail regeneration during the refractory period

Fukazawa T, Naora Y, Kunieda T, Kubo T
Development. 2009 Jul;136(14):2323-7. Epub 2009 Jun 10
Regenerative ability varies depending on animal species and developmental stage, but the factors that determine this variability remain unclear. Although Xenopus laevis tadpole tails possess high regenerative ability, this is transiently lost during the ;refractory period'. Here, we show that tail amputation evokes different immune responses in wound tail stumps between the ;refractory' and ;regeneration' periods: there was delayed or prolonged expression of some immune-related genes in the refractory period, whereas there was no obvious or transient expression of other immune-related genes in the regeneration periods. In addition, immune suppression induced by either immunosuppressant treatment or immune cell depletion by knockdown of PU.1 significantly restored regenerative ability during the refractory period. These findings indicate that immune responses have a crucial role in determining regenerative ability in Xenopus tadpole tails.
Organism or Cell Type: 
Xenopus laevis
Delivery Method: 