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Tcf3 inhibits spinal cord neurogenesis by regulating sox4a expression

Gribble SL, Kim HS, Bonner J, Wang X, Dorsky RI
Development. 2009 Mar;136(5):781-9. Epub 2009 Jan 28
The Lef/Tcf factor Tcf3 is expressed throughout the developing vertebrate central nervous system (CNS), but its function and transcriptional targets are uncharacterized. Tcf3 is thought to mediate canonical Wnt signaling, which functions in CNS patterning, proliferation and neurogenesis. In this study, we examine Tcf3 function in the zebrafish spinal cord, and find that this factor does not play a general role in patterning, but is required for the proper expression of Dbx genes in intermediate progenitors. In addition, we show that Tcf3 is required to inhibit premature neurogenesis in spinal progenitors by repressing sox4a, a known mediator of spinal neurogenesis. Both of these functions are mediated by Tcf3 independently of canonical Wnt signaling. Together, our data indicate a novel mechanism for the regulation of neurogenesis by Tcf3-mediated repression.
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